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UNDP’s Representative to Palestine visits AQU, discusses cooperation

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JERUSALEM | President of Al-Quds University Professor Imad Abu Kishek and the Special Representative to the UNDP’s Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People Ms.Yvonne Helle discussed the ongoing cooperation between both sides and how to further it in the future.

The meeting between the two officials was held at Professor Abu Kishek’s office on the main campus, and was attended by the university’s Vice-Presidents and the UNDP’s Project Director Ms. Rania Nubani and engineers involved in the present project.

The UNDP is currently implementing a project for the renovation of several labs at Al-Quds University. Sponsored by the Islamic Development Bank with a total of $3 million, the project was  intended to rehabilitate the facilities of the Faculty of Science and Technology, including electric, mechanical, and health installations in the labs of the departments of Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Food Industry, and Computer Science.

Targeting some 7500 students, the project also includes the renovation of the main computer labs at the Faculty of Medicine, as well as delivering high-quality substances and installing modern devices and equipment for the use by the information systems’ personnel.

Professor Abu Kishek praised the UNDP for the support they provide to Al-Quds University through these projects that serve the students. He also cited some development projects that target the Jerusalemites, mainly the Maluki Building in the Old City of Jerusalem, a facility that encompasses the baths of Al-Ain and Al-Shifa’ which were sponsored by the European Union.

Abu Kishek briefed Ms. Helle and her delegation about the history of the university and its programs that were created in response to the needs of the Palestinian society. He touched in particular on the university’s multi-faceted unique scientific and societal achievements. In this context, he drew on the academic and research cooperation agreements the university has forged with universities and research centers around the globe.

President Abu Kishek noted that the meeting between the parties is line with the university’s strategy of accommodating modern advances to reach qualitative outcomes, which in turn benefits the Palestinian community and domestic sustainable development. In respect to this, Abu Kishek stressed the importance of networking with the UNDP by promoting education and acquiring new experiences.

Ms. Yvonne Helle, for her turn, praised the scientific advances of Al-Quds University, stressing that she looks forward to enhancing ties of mutual interest by creating joint projects. She expressed her enthusiasm to meet the university’s leadership in her first visit to a Palestinian institution since she assumed her new responsibilities on September 1st, 2019.

It is worth noting that Al-Quds University keeps updating its faculties and labs to better serve its students in their fields of specialization. The university also maintains extensive cooperation ties with a wide range of countries and international institutions, including academic partnerships, student exchanges, and service provision.

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