Faculty of Educational Science
The Faculty of Educational Science operates under the requirements, needs and conditions of the community. It was established in 2008 when the university decided to introduce educational programs at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Programs list

Prof. Mahmoud Abu-Samra
Dean of the Faculty of Educational Science
The faculty is determined and focused on developing and nurturing the students in the society. We feel it is imperative to empower our students and push them to be the forerunners with the condition they may face in their community.
Dean of the Faculty of Educational Science
Faculty of Educational Science
The Faculty of Educational Science operates under the requirements, needs and conditions of the community. It was established in 2008 when the university decided to introduce educational programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. The department of elementary education and kindergarten was the first department to be established, followed by the learning technology program in 2006 and the psychology department in 2007.
The faculty plays a vital role in all of its programs, by preparing and training its staff and students with the latest global trends in the field. We also focus on scientific research and how to apply this appropriately in our fields.
Our programs work with, and for, the needs of society. We aim to ensure a sustainably developed society by working with people to achieve this. Through taught studies at undergraduate level, and the research conducted by our master’s students and staff members, we are always at the forefront of our field. The faculty is also engaged in research projects with outside partners and educational institutions.
We are looking forward to expanding our undergraduate and graduate programs, in a way that serves the community. We are always keen to see students who are innovative and analytical thinkers, and that can help us to achieve this aim.
Offered Programs
Academic Staff

Researches & Conferences
2004 : The Level of Biological Literacy and Its Relation with Attitudes Toward Biology of The Freshman and Fourth year Students at the College of Science in Al-Quds University (in Arabic).
2005 : The role of Remedial Teaching on developing the skill in using a microscope for students in biology department at Al-Quds university (in Arabic).
2006 : The effects of Segregation wall on the Palestinian People (in Arabic).
2007 : The Level of Scientific Literacy of the Basic Schools Science Teachers in the District of Tulkarm (in Arabic).
2008 : The nature, and sources of superstitious thinking among graduate students at Al-quds University, and the effect of some variables on it (in Arabic).
2010 : The Relationship Between Grade 11 Palestinian Attitudes Toward Biology And Their Perceptions Of The Biology Learning Environment (in English). International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Volume 8, Number 5, 783 – 800.
2013 : Beliefs of students in the faculty of science in Alquds and An-Najah Universities About creative (in Arabic)
2014 : Constructivist Learning Environment Among Palestinian Science Students. 2013 Accepted for publication in International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. (in English).
2014 : Attitudes of Jerusalem Students Towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature. Journal of Arab Studies in Education & Psychology(in English).. 2014. No 48. 180 – 208.
2014 : Attitudes of Jerusalem Teachers Towards the Palestinian Resistance Literature (PRL): Jerusalem City as A model. Accepted for publication in Aladab Journal. University of Baghdad. (in English).
2014 : Biomedical ethics issues Among Palestinian medical faculties students (in Arabic).
2014 : The Effect of Six Thinking Hats on Creative Thinking Among 10th Grade Female Students in Tulkarm District (in Arabic).
2014 Cross sectional study of the development of science process skills among Technology Education students in Palestine Technical University (in Arabic).
2014 Multiple intelligences among students in the faculty of science in Alquds and Palestine Technical Universities (in Arabic).
2015 The Effect of Drawing Scientific Illustrations on Science Achievement of 2ed basic Grades Students and their attitudes toward Science (in Arabic).
2015 Logical Thinking And Its Relationship To Scientific Curiosity Among 10th Grade Students In Palestine (in Arabic).
2015 : Science Process Skills and Attitudes Toward Science Among Palestinian Secondary School Students (in English). World Journal of Education, 5 (1), 13-24.

• About (Short Biography) : – BA ( Elementary Education )
– MA (Arabic Teaching Methods ) in Readability
– Courses in Kindergarten & Preschools Children – Italy – Regioemillia
• Research interests : – In Childhood Field
– Training Field and Practicum
– Readability and Reading Comprehension
• Teaching Activities : Many of Courses as like : Methods of Teaching Arabic Language , Interaction Classroom Types , Readability and Reading Comprehension , Basic Skills and teaching Methods , Behavior Modification Classroom , Experience Training in Kindergarten , Experience Training in Elementary School …..
• Publications :
– The Relationship between the Mental Skills Reflected by the Readability Test in Arabic Texts and the Students Achievement in the Fifth Grade in Bethlehem District http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1632807, 2011

About (Short Biography)
Amira Rimawi, from Ramalla
P.H.D: Special Education.
M.A: Special Education.
High Diploma: Special Education
B.A : Arabic language & Education.
Research interests
- Human rights education
- Disability &Hidden curriculum
- Peace and democratic education
- Critical thinking.
Teaching Activities
- Teaching graduate as well as undergraduate level courses
- Supervising Masters’ Theses
- I have already published 3 researches

• Post Doctorate in Special Education, Granada University, Granada, Spain.
• International Ph.D. Educational Sciences. in (Curriculum& Teacher training).Granada University, Granada, Spain.
• Ph.D. Candidate in Woman’s Studies, Granada University, Granada, Spain.
• M.A. in Education in (Investigation and Innovation in Curriculum and Formation).Granada University, Granada, Spain.
• Diploma of Advanced Studies in Education in (Fundamentals of the Curriculum and Formation of the teachers in the Primary and Secondary Education),Granada University, Granada, Spain.
• M.A.in Educational Administration, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine.
• B.A. in Elementary Education, Bethlehem University, Bethlehem, Palestine .
• Certified Trainer for The CoRT thinking programme, Debono Center for Teaching Thinking, Amman, Jordan.
Research interests :
Teaching Activities:
Providing respect and support for the development of students as individuals and thereby contributing to creating the unique bond experience for students in their learning.
Courses: Test & measurement, Scientific Research, Children with Special Needs, Development Psychology, Foundations of Education, Educational psychology, Teaching Materials, Logical Thinking, World civilizations, Development & Education and a Society, Instructional Design, Behavior Modification, Classroom Management, socialization, Introduction to Education, Children’s literature, Health education of the child, and School management.
(MASTER Graduate students).Children’s Literature and Teaching Methods for pre K, Supervision of Master theses and Action researches).
Al-Quds Bard College – MAT Program (Teaching as Reflective Practice TARP, Classroom Research Projects, Supervision of Master theses and Action researches).
1. “Perceptions and expectations of Palestinian teachers towards inclusive education in Bethlehem District” ”. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 12 (2), 461-482.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14204/ejrep.33.14010
2. The portrayal of the Palestinian identity in Palestinian civic and national school books” PhD Thesis, University of Granada, Spain.
3. “Palestinian Curriculum from an Israeli Perspective” Journal of Curriculum and Teacher Education, PROFESORADO.15(1).175-185.
English: http://www.ugr.es/~recfpro/rev143COL4en.pdf
Spanish: http://www.ugr.es/~recfpro/rev143COL4.pdf
4. Book:“The Basics of Logical Thinking”/ “Asasiyat Al-tafkeerAlmanteqi” 2nd Ed: Maktabat Dar Al Feker, Jerusalem, Palestine

About (Short Biography)
Jerusalem Wadeljos
Ph.D. in Education “Curriculum and instruction”- The University of Jordan.
Dissertation Title: The Effect of Developing Reflective Thinking of Early Childhood Teachers through Narrative Approach on the Design of Learning Environment and Children Multiple intelligences.
Head of Elementary and kindergarten department
Research interests
Early childhood Education
Reflective Teaching and reflective thinking
Teaching Activities
Teaching courses :
1. Practicum
2. Educational Aids and Materials
3. Social Development
4. Children literature
5. Basic to field work
6. Methods of teaching
Khales , B. (2015). Reflecting Across Borders — U.S. and Palestinian ECE Educators Engage in Collaborative Science Inquiry, AERA Conference Chicago, Illinois, Present through Skype.
Khales, B, (2015) The Power of Reflective Writing for Early Childhood Teachers in Palestine, World Journal of Education, 5(1), 94-101.
Khales , B ( 2014). Chapter in book Reflection Through Story Strengthening Palestinian Early Childhood Education, the book is : Educational change in International early childhood contexts. Routlege – Taylor & Francis group – New York and London.
Khales . B& Meir ,D ( 2013).Toward a New Way of Learning — Promoting Inquiry and Reflection in Palestinian Early Childhood Teacher Education, The New Educator, 9:4,287- 303,

About (Short Biography)
My name is Bushra Al Badawi, graduated from Al Quds University, Computer Science Major.
After that I was worked for many international companies, like Computer Answer/Ericson and JAWWAL.
Then I have graduated from Educational Sciences Faculty, and took my MS degree in Teaching methods, in 2010.
PhD student at Arab American University in education administration program.
Worked as a trainer for inclusive teaching.
Worked a trainer for special education program in 1-4 class at mainstream school.
Worked so many times on Teaching Design and training teachers on these designs, in the 21th century schools project.
I have worked in the Ministry of education.
And now I’m a lecturer at Faculty of educational sciences, department of Method of teaching.
I am a PhD student in educational program at Arab American University>
Research interests
- inclusive program
- develop enhancement technology for special education program
- Analysis and design curriculum
- Design teaching activities
- Technology of teaching
- Informal teaching
- Action Research
- Special Education
- Multi Intelligent theory
- Integration Approaches
- E-learning
- Museums and virtual gallery
- Science and simulation experiments
Teaching Activities
- Teaching BA courses in Educational Sciences faculty (method of teaching, curriculum, active learning, ….)
- Virtual Museum as a tool of science and technology literacy
- Virtual museum as a tool of informal environment
- Assess Virtual Museum as a tool of education from the perspective of experts
- The possibility of Virtual environment for learning Disability

About (Short Biography):
PhD in Curriculum and Instruction of Science, 2010, Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies.
Master physics- 2004- AlQuds University – Abu Dis.
Bachelor physics- sub-physics engineering – AlQuds University -Abo Dis 2002.
Research interests:
Research related to the following topics: moral and social intelligence, creativity, modern teaching strategies (differentiation in education)
Teaching Activities:
- Teaching many courses in graduate level: Research Methodology, General Teaching Methods, Designing Teaching Environment, Measurement and Evaluation, Curriculum evaluation and development Science, Technology and Society, Theories of teaching and learning.
- Naser, I.; Nafi’, J. & Arman, I. (2016). “The Degree of Faculty’s Use and Stimulation of Students’ Critical Thinking from the Perspective of English Majors at Al-Quds University,” Journal of Education and Practice, 7(29): 35-44. Available at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/33589/34535. ISSN (Paper) 2222-1735 ISSN (Online) 2222-288X.
- Arman, I, Naser, I, & Nafi’, J. (2017). “STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN WRITTEN EXPRESSION IN THE DEPARTMENTS OF ENGLISH AND ARABIC AT AL-QUDS UNIVERSITY.” European Journal of Education Studies, 3(1): 67-90. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.221380. Available on-line at: www.oapub.org/edu
- Rimawi, O., Naser, I., (2016). Faculty members ethical practices and students ethical behavioral practices: a case study of Al- Quds University. International Humanities Studies, 3(4), 18-29
- Naser, I., & Arman, I. Nafi’, J ( 2017). “The Degree of Faculty’s Use of Authentic Assessment Tools at Al-Quds University and Their Relation to Their Attitudes Towards Them.” International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, 5(7), 44-63. Available online at http://www.eajournals.org

About: Dr. Fadwa Halabiyah, PH.D.educational psychology – Yarmouk University – Jordan
Research interests: Talent and creativity. Psychological counseling Mental processes. Teaching and learning.
Teaching Activities: Cognitive Psychology. Personal theories. educational psychology. psychological counseling.
the five major personal factors and their relation to creative thinking among palestinian university. International Specialized Educational Journal students.p.1. August.

Ph.D Instructional Technology, Ain Shams Egypt 2004
M.A Teaching Methodolgy Al-Quds University, Palestine 1998
B.Sc Computer Science Jordan University 1983
Teaching Activities
Masters Courses
- Hashem, kamel, Arman, Ibrahim (2013). Integration of ICT in Mathematical Understanding Using Modeling. International Journal of Computer and Information Technology Vol 02 Issue 02 March
- Hashem, kamel, Arman, Ibrahim (2012). Promoting Mthematical Understanding Using ICT in Teaching and Learning. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. (71), pp 1401-1404.
- Arman, Ibrahim (2013). Effectiveness of Information Communication Technology Approach on Mathematics Achievement for 8th Grades Students. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics. Volume 2, issue 3, pp86-90.

About: Iyad Saleem Hallaq, Ph.D. Teaching Deparment of psychology, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. France. M.A. Department of clinical psychology, Nice Sophia Antipolis University France. B.A. Deparment of psychology, Nice Sophia Antipolis University. France.
Research interests: Authoring and translation of books and training manuals in the field of psychology and educational: school violence, eye movement therapy, social intervention and the role of the state, the protection of the children of behavioral aberrations, social construction, trauma, crimes adolescence, needs of the elderly, suicide
Teaching Activities: Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology, Social Psychology, Trauma and Crisis Management and Clinical Psychology
Publications: published different scholarly articles in international scientific journals
- Hassan Abu Saad, PhD1,2,3, Salman Elbedour, PhD4, EyadHallaq, PhD5, JoavMerrick, MD, MMedSci, DMSc6,7,8,9 and Ariel Tenenbaum, MD6,8
Consanguineous marriage and intellectual and developmental disabilities among Arab Bedouins children of the Negev region in Southern Israel: A pilot study, Frontiers in Child Health and Human Development, Aug 2013,Published on 28 Jan 2014 - Hallaq, eyad. (2008). Nouveaux Defis Humanitaire De L’ANP, Paris 13, Le rôle De l’état Dans le Travail Social, Collectif Book.
- Hallaq ,Eyad. 2003, An Epidemic of Violence – Palestinian Israeli Journal Vol.10 No.4 2003.

About (Short Biography)
Soor Baher, Al-Sabeel Street 35, P.O. Box 72875, Jerusalem 9741503
Ph.D. in Science Education – Weizmann Institute of Science. Lecturer at Al-Quds University concerning science teaching strategies at Early Childhood Education.
Researcher in the field of Science Education at the elementary and middle-school level. Working in the field of professional development of in-service science teachers. Responsible about developing teaching and learning sciences at the elementary and middle school-level.
Some Research interests
Pre-service science teachers believes and attitudes toward teaching sciences
in-service science teachers’ teaching practices
Developing of high order cognitive abilities as a result of science learning
Teaching Activities
Teaching courses :
1. Strategies of science teaching
2. Research methods in Education
3. Creativity and cognitive abilities
4. Foundations of Education
5. Classroom interactions
6. Strategies of teaching science in Early childhood Education
Markic, S., Eilks, I., Mamlok-Naaman, R., Hugerat, M., Kortam, N., Dkeidek, I., & Hofstein, A. (2016). One Country, Two Cultures – A Multi-perspective View on Israeli Chemistry Teachers` Beliefs about Teaching and Learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 131-147. doi:10.1080/13540602.2015.1055423
Hugerat, M., & Dkeidek, I. (2014). The cognitive acceleration curriculum as a tool for overcoming difficulties in the implementation of inquiry skills in science education among primary school students. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13, 523–534.
Dkeidek, I., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Hofstein, A. (2012). Assessment of the laboratory learning environment in an inquiry-oriented chemistry laboratory in Arab and Jewish high-schools in Israel. Learning Environment Research – An International Journal, 15, 141-169. doi:10.1007/s10984-012-9109-3
Dkeidek, I., Mamlok-Naaman, R., & Hofstein, A. (2011). Effect of culture on twelfth grade students’ ability to ask more and better questions resulting from inquiry-oriented chemistry laboratory. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 9, 1305-1331. doi:10.1007/s10763-010-9261-0

About (Short Biography)
Jerusalem Wadeljos
Ph.D. in Education “Curriculum and instruction”- The University of Jordan.
Dissertation Title: The Effect of Developing Reflective Thinking of Early Childhood Teachers through Narrative Approach on the Design of Learning Environment and Children Multiple intelligences.
Head of Elementary and kindergarten department
Research interests
Early childhood Education
Reflective Teaching and reflective thinking
Teaching Activities
Teaching courses :
1. Practicum
2. Educational Aids and Materials
3. Social Development
4. Children literature
5. Basic to field work
6. Methods of teaching
Khales , B. (2015). Reflecting Across Borders — U.S. and Palestinian ECE Educators Engage in Collaborative Science Inquiry, AERA Conference Chicago, Illinois, Present through Skype.
Khales, B, (2015) The Power of Reflective Writing for Early Childhood Teachers in Palestine, World Journal of Education, 5(1), 94-101.
Khales , B ( 2014). Chapter in book Reflection Through Story Strengthening Palestinian Early Childhood Education, the book is : Educational change in International early childhood contexts. Routlege – Taylor & Francis group – New York and London.
Khales . B& Meir ,D ( 2013).Toward a New Way of Learning — Promoting Inquiry and Reflection in Palestinian Early Childhood Teacher Education, The New Educator, 9:4,287- 303,

About (Short Biography)
I’m Mahmoud A Abu Samra, from Yata, Hebron.
I got my B.S& M. SC in physics & M.A (Educational Administration) from Al Quds University & Ph. D in Educational Administration from Khartoum University at 2003.
In 1983, I was hired as a lecturer in physics department, at Faculty of Sciences- Alquds University. Then in 2003 I was hired as assistance professor at faculty of education – Alquds University. At 2016 I had the rank of (Professor).
Research interests
– Educational Leadership
– Educational Administration and supervision areas
– Higher Education
– Total Quality in education
Teaching Activities
– Teaching graduate as well as undergraduate level courses
– Supervising Masters’ Theses
I have already published more than (70) research papers in both Arabic and English Languages, and two books, one of them in science research.
Such as:
1.Ja’far Wasfi Abu Saa, Mahmoud Ahmad Abu Samra.(2019). The Reasons of Job Alienation among the Faculty Members of Hebron & Al-Quds Universities. World Journal of Education,9(2), 65-72.
2. Abu Helu, Musallam., Abu Samra, Mahmoud., Faroun, Taher., Khateeb, Fatima and Lafee, Ziad. (2015). Managing Urbanization & Risk Accumulation Processes: Cases from East Jerusalem Occupied Palestinian Territories. GE-International Journal of Management Research , November 2015.
3. Mohammed Shuibat., 15. Mahmoud A Abu Samra., and Nida Shuibat. (2015). The Role of Education in Upholding the Development of Human Rights Regimes: the Case of the Palestinian Universities. World Journal of Education, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp 42-50.
4. Abu Samra, M. A. (2014). Leadership Skills of Faculty Members at Al – Istiqlal University: Cadets Point of Views. World Journal of Education (wje), Vol. 4, No. 3, pp 36 – 45.
5. Abu Samra, M. A. (2014). Admission Criteria at Palestinian Universities: Social Sciences Departments. International Journal of Development Research(IJDR), Vol.4, Issue.5, pp.982- 987

About (Short Biography)
I’m Mohammad Shuibat, from Beit Sahour, I’m 48 years old.
I’m a person with visual impairment since birth.
I got my B.S in English Language & its Literature from the University of Bethlehem in 1993.
Then I taught English as a second language for five years. In 2001, I got a scholarship to study at the US.
In 2003, I got my Master’s degree from the University of Toledo Ohio, in Educational Administration and supervision.
In the same year, I got an assistantship to study for the PHD degree at the same university, in Theory and Social Foundations of Education.
In 2007, I have finished my doctoral degree, then I came back home. In 2008, I was hired at Al Quds University, at Faculty of Educational Sciences.
Research interests
- Human rights education
- Educational Administration and supervision areas
- Peace and democratic education
- Critical thinking
- Pedagogical Education
Teaching Activities
- Teaching graduate as well as undergraduate level courses
- Supervising Masters’ Theses
- I have already published nine research paper in both Arabic and English Languages, Therefore I applied for the Associate professor rank this year.

– 2004: PhD in Curriculum and Instruction – Jordan University
– Thesis : Effect of Historical Approach on 9th students achievement and their understanding of nature of science.
o Supervisor: Professor Omar Alsheikh
– 2001: M.A: Methods of Science Teaching.- Alquds University
– Effect of using constructivism on laboratory teaching on students achievement and critical thinking
– 1998: BA : biology – minor Education
– 1985: Diploma of Medical laboratory.
– Teaching and Professional Experiences
– Dean of college of educational sciences 7.2011to present
– Present Position: Director of Master education Program : Methods of Teaching.
– 2008-2009: : Director of Master Education Programs in college of Education, and member of graduate studies counsel.
– 2008- 2011 Director of e-learning unit/ center of teaching &learning / ALQUDS UNIVERSITY.
- Training of Faculty members in designing of e – courses/ ALQUDS UNIVERSITY
- Educational specialist of e-learning courses/ FORD PROJECT
- Major Supervisor of more than 50 master thesis in methods of education.
- External and internal examiner of more than 100 master thesis.
- Trainer of trainees in e-learning: design, delivery and evaluation.
- Evaluator of e- curriculum (5th &9th grade ).
- Member of External Evaluators committee of Palestinian education colleges (1-10/ 2010)AQA -MOE&HE
- Evaluation of B.A educational Programs, MOE&HE.
- External Evaluator of Educational programs in Palestinian universities
- Curriculum evaluator of (Civic education curriculum and Technology curriculum )
- Consultant for curriculum evaluation, MOE&HE.
- Member of Quality assurance committee of graduates programs/ ALQUDS UNIVERSITY.
- Training for Learning innovation team-LIT). Training of Trainers Program on E-Enabled Curriculum Design, Development, Delivery and Evaluation 350 hours 2007-2008
- Training in using ICT in education from 22 Sep 2011 to 15 Des 2011/ Oslo University, Norway
- Training in e-learning Tempus project – Bari university 20-30Oct 2013
- Workshop in Including PCK in modules for In serves teachers Qualification. Canterbury University UK, sep,2014
- Training university teachers in designing e- courses 16Jun- 16Aug 2008
- Project writing training 25 Aug 2008
- training University graduates in scientific research skills, Kudorat project 2009.
- Training in Ilos writing ACAC MOE&HE 2009.
- Evaluation of school e – initiatives 2011-1014 / Belgium Project MoE&HE.
- Educational Expert and trainer for designing e-courses QIF projects & FORD Project 2010.
- Project Manager for In serves teachers qualification 2011-2014/ MOE&HO and World Bank.
- Member of scientific committee for psychological Health conference, Al-Quds University May 2013
- Member of scientific committee for Special education conference Al-Ahliya University OCT 2013.
- Member of Preparatory committee for psychological and educational consoling Conference , Al-Quds Open University April 2014.
- Member of steering committee For Palestinian school initiatives, MOE&HE2013-2014.
- Workshop on effective Higher Education, Graduate Studies, AL_QUDS University , 2008)
- Workshop and member of the teacher training strategy in Palestine : the reality and challenges, ( 17-20 \ 1 \ 2008
- Conference in “Education in Jerusalem the reality and the challenges” ( Ramallah , 2006)
- Conference in “The Quality of Education in Palestine the Reality, the Aspirations and Renovations” 16-17 \ 12 \ 2007 research titled ( Obstacles to implementation of the new science Curriculum from teachers point of view in Ramallah and Al -Bireh district) Riemann Daraj and Mohsen Adas
- A workshop on science education programs: preparation of pre-service science teachers 12-19 / 3/2011 ” development of higher education program “
- Adas, M and Awad, M. (2009).level of understanding of 9th grade students of nature of science, Hebron University Journal of Research , Volume IV (1).
- Teacher Preparation and Qualification workshop, paper presented :
- Towards an Effective Partnership in the Preparation and Training of teachers, 2007.
- Teaching technology conference , MOE&HE. 2006
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Evaluation Of Civic Education Palestinian Curriculum. MOE&HE.
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Evaluation of Technology 5-12 Palestinian Curriculum. MOE&HE.
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Life Skills Among Basic schools Palestinian Students. MOE&HO.
- Adas, M , et al (2010). Life Skills in Basic schools Palestinian Curriculum. MOE&HO.
- Adas.M(2012) Philosophy of Education in Palestine, Seminar. Ramallah Center for Human Right Studies.
- Qubaja,Z and Adas, M. (2013)The effectiveness of using the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) strategy on the acquisition of the desired physics concepts for 9th grade students, Jamaa, 18(1)
Teaching the following courses
Graduate studies level
- Methods of Research in Education
- Research design and its statistical methods
- Curriculum design.
- Curriculum analysis and evaluation.
- Special topics
- Methods of teaching
Bachelors level:
- Methods of scientific research
- Learning and research skills
skills :
- computer skills: words, excel, spss.
- proposals writing.
- curriculum designing and evaluation

About: Ola Hussein, Master degree in Community Mental health- School of Public Health/ Al-Quds University, Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Laboratory of Cognitive Science and Psychology- Department of Psychology at University of Rome “La Sapienza”- Rome- Italy
Research interests: Theory of mind, Emotion recognition, Domestic violence, Women’s mental health, PTSD, Post traumatic stress disorders, Cognitive Sciences and Mental States.
Teaching Activities: Introduction to Psychology, Descriptive and indicative statistics, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology and Interview skills in psychological counseling
- Hussein, O., Dajani, K., & Thabet, A. (2012). The effect of Domestic Violence on Women’s Mental Health in East Jerusalem, Arab Journal of Psychological Science, Volume 8, Number 36, p. 111–124, http://www.arabpsynet.com/pass_download.asp?file=36
- Poster:
Hussein, O., Hünefeldt, T., Nardi, D., & Olivetti Belardinelli, M. (2014) Cross-cultural differences in adolescents’ theory of mind. Trent’anni del Dipartimento di Psicologia (1983-2013) attraverso i suoi contributi di ricerca: un incontro di saperi ed esperienze

About: Omar Rimawi, Ph.D. in cognitive psychology, Academy of Educational Sciences / Institute of Psychology, (GSKostiuk) Ukraine, Kiev
Research interests: Self-esteem, Science and Education, cognitive science, and mental processes
Teaching Activities: Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Personality Psychology and Clinical Psychology.
Publications: published different scholarly articles in international scientific journals
- Constructing Mate Retention of the Partner Tactics Scale Among Palestinian Couples, Journal of Social Affairs of Sharjah, 32(126), 123-150.
- Refrainment from Marriage among Orthodox Youth in Ramallah District, journal ASEP,39 (3) 253-266.
- The Level of Social Anxiety in a Sample of Students from the University of Jerusalem, Journal of the American Research University Arabic. 1 (1), 47-63.

About (Short Biography): Said Awad
February , 2013 Amman Arab University /Jordan
PhD in Special Education Philosophy
Accumulative average:
The research was Entitled:
“Constructing an Early Intervention Program to Improve language Skills For Children With Hearing loss And Measuring Its Effectiveness”
July ,1999 Al-Quds University / Jerusalem
Master Degree in Speech Language Pathology
Accumulative average:
November ,1994 Hebron University/ Hebron
B.A. Degree in Elementary Education as a Major & Psychology as a Minor
Accumulative average:
May 1th, 2000 Palestinian National Authority/ ministry of health
License in speech , Language and Hearing Rehabilitation with the register number 3\2000
Research interests : Topics related to the inclusion , early intervention, auditory loss,and talent and creativity
Teaching Activities: Preparation of training packages related to some courses and Teaching multiple courses in the Department of Special Education and education and kindergartens Department e.g: Such talent and creativity, Measurement and diagnosis in special education, Autism, Inclusive education, Educational Psychology, socialization of the child, Psychology of playing, Introduction to Education, and Introduction to special Education etc..
Publications : Still pipeline

About (Short Biography) Dr. Suhair Sabbah graduated from the University of ALnajah University in 1988 in Psychology, holds a Master degree in Specail Education in 1993 from The Jordan University Amman, and gained her PhD in Education& Psychology from Alkhartoum University, Sudan. She joined the Art Faculty at Al-Quds University in 1998 as assistant Professor. She chaired the Primary education and kindergartens Department for 1999-2002. She supervised different Master thesis as well as postgraduate and undergraduate projects. She acted as an external and internal examiner to number of Master thesis at different Universities.
She serves as reviewer for different journal and conferences. He also serves as a committee member for different conferences. Her main research interest is in Psychology with special needs, eLearning, Identity. Stress Psychology, Gender Issues, Creation, intelligence. She published several research articles in different Journals, conferences and workshops. She is currently the chaired the Psychology Department & Program coordinator for the educational and psychological counseling at the College of Graduate Studies.
- PhD. Education& Psychology
- Research interests : in Psychology with special needs, eLearning, Identity. Stress Psychology, Gender Issues, Creation, intelligence.
Teaching Activities
Developmental Psychology
Psychology adolescence
Principles of counseling
Social psychology
Personal theories
Experimental Psychology
Learning disabilities
Behavioral disorders
Field Training
Publications :
- Yaacoub S. Suheir. (2015).Psychological Stress among Parents of Children with Special
Needs, in Palestine. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought, C D-ROM. ISSN: 2156-6992 :: 08(01):303–312 (2015).
http://www.universitypublications.net/ijmt/0501/pdf/U4K413.pdf - Sabbah, Suheir.(2014). Identity Crisis of Teenagers with Hearing Impairment in Palestine. Asian Social Science; Vol. 10, No. 17, p229-239. ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education ISSN 1726-6807
http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ass/issue/view/1134 - الصباح، سهير.، حموز، عايد.، (2013). “مشكلات تأهيل الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة الحركية في المراكز التأهيلية الفلسطينية”، مجلة الجامعة الإسلامية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية، المجلد الحادي والعشرون، العدد الأول، ص 293 –ص 326 ، يناير. http://www.iugaza.edu.ps/ar/periodical/
- احمد، محمد .، الصباح، سهير.، (2012). ” الحيل الدفاعية النفسية لدى طلبة الجامعات الفلسطينية وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات”. مجلة دراسات نفسية وتربوية لجودة الحياة : م1،ع1،ص91-120. تصدرها مؤسسة تجويد حياة المصريين(PESQL).
- الصباح، سهير.، (2012). “صعوبات التعلم في القراءة والكتابة لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا في غرف المصادر “التعليمية في فلسطين”. المجلة العربية للعلوم النفسية : ع:34-35 . ربيع & صيف، ص 132-147.