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Al-Quds University signs agreement to establish first Continuing Dental Education Center in Palestine

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JERUSALEM – Pursuant with joint academic agreements and partnerships between Al-Quds University and other national and international educational institutions, President of Al-Quds University Imad Abu Kishek and representatives from Edumedic signed an agreement to found the first center for continuing dental education, aimed at providing advanced courses to dentist-hopefuls as well as dentists from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Palestine 1948.

“This agreement aims to expand and upgrade the professional knowledge of Al-Quds University’s dental school graduates and practitioners by enrolling them in first class practical training programs within Palestine,” said President of Al-Quds University Imad Abu Kishek.

Al-Quds University Faculty of Dentistry Dean Mohammad Abu Yunis says the center “will hold scientific and vocational courses in all dental specialties in order to enhance the professional performances of practitioners.” As a result of ongoing technological advances and new scientific inventions in the medical and dental industry within a short period of time, Dr. Abu Yunis also says the new center will remain up to date on new developments in the area of dental medicine.

Edumedic’s Dr. Mar’i Al-Haj Yahiya expressed his appreciation for the agreement between his medical institute and Al-Quds University, affirming that the training courses “will contribute to the vocational levels of dental practitioners.” 

Dr. Abu Kishek extended high praise to Al-Quds University’s Faculty of Dentistry for its staff and modern and on point instructional courses.

Founded in 1994, the Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Quds University was the first of its kind in Palestine. The Health Complex now holds the Faculties of Medicine, Health Professions and Public Health, in addition to the various health services offered to the Palestinian community.

Al-Quds University is a collegiate research based in Jerusalem, Palestine.  Established in the late 70’s, Al-Quds remains the only Arab university in the city of Jerusalem. It currently offers 105 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, taught through its fifteen degree-granting faculties and institutes.

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