
AQU launches the “Dr. Edward Michel Hakim” scholarship for new students of Dentistry for the academic year 2023-2024

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Dr. Edward Michel Hakim was the first in Jordan to specialize in endodontic and prosthodontics treatment. He graduated from the French Saint Jospeh University of Medicine Dental School in 1958 and pursued his postgraduate studies in Paris University to graduate in 1963.  He practiced dentistry in Jordan and Lebanon.

Dr. Hakim visited Al-Quds University in 2018, where he presented a series of lectures on endodontic, prosthodontics and conservative treatment to dental students and the academic staff. The lectures dealt with the latest updates in the methods of endodontic treatments and the prospects for sterilizing modern inflamed roots during treatment. Hakim addressed the new methods of making ceramic veneers and the best materials used in terms of manufacturing, speaking about the methods of installing ceramic veneers and the methods of making wedges and crowns according to the latest technologies in the field.

Hakim’s scholarship was presented by Dr. Edward Michel Hakim’s brother, Ramez Michel Hakim, a Palestinian/American businessman currently residing in the United States. He was a partner in Deloitte & Touch LLP USA, the leading Member Firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL), the largest accounting and consulting firm in the world.  He retired from the partnership in 2004 and established his own company “RMH Consulting LLC” which specializes in providing consultations in the field of Governance and Risk Management. Dr. Hakim currently serves on business and non-for-profit Boards.

Mr. Ramez graduated from the American University of Beirut with a BA in Business Administration in 1963. He pursued his professional studies and acquired a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification in the US in 1973.  He practiced in the US and the Global Firm in leadership positions as Managing Partner of US Practices, the Global Executive Team, and Regional Partner for the Middle and Liaison Partner for the Nordic Region in Europe. He served in the US Firm, Nordic Firms and Middle East Firm Boards.  His family was originally from Jaffa.

This grant comes within the vision of the Hakim Family to support the Palestinian people economically and scientifically, believing that education is the only means for the Palestinians for development, opportunity for a better future and existence in the Land.


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