Hussein Jaddu is a Professor of Control Systems in the Department of Electronics Engineering at Al Quds University. He joined Al Quds University in 1992 as a lecturer and served the university in a number of academic and administrative roles, including: Assistant professor (1998-2005), associate professor (2005-2014), professor (2014-to date), head of Electronics Engineering Department (2002-2005), Dean of the the Faculty of engineering (2005-2009), Assistant Vice president for academic affairs (2009-2012) and Vice President of Administrative and Financial Affairs (2012 to date).
Prof. Jaddu obtained his Bsc with distinction in Electrical Engineering from Bir Zeit University in 1987 and his MSc with distinction in Digital Systems from Hertfordshire University in England and he obtained the Phd with distinction in Information Systems from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 1998. In 2004 he promoted to associate professor and in 2014 promoted to professor.
His research interest includes control theory, computational methods, optimal control, wavelets. He published more than 40 papers.