Enas Nasser

About (Short Biography):

PhD in Curriculum and Instruction of Science, 2010, Amman Arab University for Graduate Studies.
Master physics- 2004- AlQuds University – Abu Dis.
Bachelor physics- sub-physics engineering – AlQuds University -Abo Dis 2002.

Research interests:

Research related to the following topics: moral and social intelligence, creativity, modern teaching strategies (differentiation in education)

Teaching Activities:

  • Teaching many courses in graduate level: Research Methodology, General Teaching Methods, Designing Teaching Environment, Measurement and Evaluation, Curriculum evaluation and development Science, Technology and Society, Theories of teaching and learning.


  • Naser, I.; Nafi’, J. & Arman, I. (2016). “The Degree of Faculty’s Use and Stimulation of Students’ Critical Thinking from the Perspective of English Majors at Al-Quds University,” Journal of Education and Practice, 7(29): 35-44. Available at: http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/33589/34535. ISSN (Paper) 2222-1735 ISSN (Online) 2222-288X.
  •  Arman, I, Naser, I, & Nafi’, J. (2017). “STUDENTS’ DIFFICULTIES IN WRITTEN EXPRESSION IN THE DEPARTMENTS OF ENGLISH AND ARABIC AT AL-QUDS UNIVERSITY.” European Journal of Education Studies, 3(1): 67-90. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.221380. Available on-line at: www.oapub.org/edu
  • Rimawi, O., Naser, I., (2016). Faculty members ethical practices and students ethical behavioral practices: a case study of Al- Quds University. International Humanities Studies, 3(4), 18-29
  •  Naser, I., & Arman, I. Nafi’, J ( 2017). “The Degree of Faculty’s Use of Authentic Assessment Tools at Al-Quds University and Their Relation to Their Attitudes Towards Them.” International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, 5(7), 44-63. Available online at http://www.eajournals.org

Al-Quds University