Buad Al Khalis

About (Short Biography)

Jerusalem Wadeljos

Ph.D. in Education “Curriculum and instruction”- The University of Jordan.
Dissertation Title: The Effect of Developing Reflective Thinking of Early Childhood Teachers through Narrative Approach on the Design of Learning Environment and Children Multiple intelligences.

Head of Elementary and kindergarten department

Research interests

Early childhood Education
Reflective Teaching and reflective thinking
Teaching Activities

Teaching courses :

1. Practicum
2. Educational Aids and Materials
3. Social Development
4. Children literature
5. Basic to field work
6. Methods of teaching


Khales , B. (2015). Reflecting Across Borders — U.S. and Palestinian ECE Educators Engage in Collaborative Science Inquiry, AERA Conference Chicago, Illinois, Present through Skype.
Khales, B, (2015) The Power of Reflective Writing for Early Childhood Teachers in Palestine, World Journal of Education, 5(1), 94-101.
Khales , B ( 2014). Chapter in book Reflection Through Story Strengthening Palestinian Early Childhood Education, the book is : Educational change in International early childhood contexts. Routlege – Taylor & Francis group – New York and London.
Khales . B& Meir ,D ( 2013).Toward a New Way of Learning — Promoting Inquiry and Reflection in Palestinian Early Childhood Teacher Education, The New Educator, 9:4,287- 303,

Al-Quds University