Dr. Abdallah Al-Wawi is currently head of the Department of Anesthesia and Resuscitation at the faculty of Health Professions and an Assistant Professor of Adult Critical Care in the Nursing Department. He joined the Department in 2008 after graduating with honors and worked as a research and teaching assistant in the Department of Adult Nursing and Psychiatry. In 2009, he enrolled in the Master’s Program in mental health and graduated with Honors. In 2012, He became a faculty member in the same department. In 2014, Obtained a higher Specialist in critical nursing for newborns with honors, in 2017 received a Turkish grant to complete his doctorate in the specialty of medical nursing at the University of Ankara.
He worked for more than ten years as a nursing specialist in the Palestine Medical Complex, Sheikh Zayed Hospital, the Arab Care Center in various critical care and emergency departments. He has also worked as a certified trainer and coordinator of training programs for doctors and nurses in the field of trauma, critical care and burns care in the General Directorate of Health Education / Ministry of Health. He worked as a lecturer at the Ibn Sina Faculty of the Ministry of Health. He obtained many specialized training courses in the field of therapy, psychological counseling and specialized critical medical care. He contributed to the preparation of the Bachelor of Paramedics program, which was submitted for higher education to be approved and licensed. He was also appointed as a member of the Quality Committee of the faculty of Health Professions. He is a member of the University’s Academic Council, and a member of the Global Advisory Committee (GCAC) of the International Trauma Care Foundation (PTCF).
Dr. Abdullah has published some research papers, including:
- 2012: Level of anxiety & its impact on quality of life for adult underwent open heart surgery in Palestine, 2nd Public Health Conference, “Public health in Palestine: challenges, research and implications”, Pal., 25th of April 2013.
- 2016: Breaking the Silence: Experiencing and Witnessing Sexual Harassment at UNRWA Schools in Bethlehem City, Palestine, World Journal of Medical Sciences 13 (1): 65-71, 2016
- 2016: Health Knowledge among College Freshmen Students in Palestine, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 24 (2): 208-213, 2016
- 2019: The effectiveness of the Primary Trauma Care Courses in West Bank, Palestine: Are the outcomes acceptable?, Journal of Education and Practice. Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org.Vol.10, No.9, 2019
- 2020: Barriers to effective nurse-patient communication in the emergency department, Emergency nurse: the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association 28(03)
- 2020: factors affecting nurses’ job satisfaction in medical surgical nursing care in turkey: a systematic review, International Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 5(2):178-188
- 2021: Nurses’ Narratives of Remarkable Patient Health Care Events: Analysis of Seventeen Health Stories from Turkey and Palestine Using the Narrative Approach, Bezmialem Science 2021;9(4):432-438.
- 2022: Cognitive Distortions among Nursing Students at Al-Quds University/Palestine, Under publication. Under Publication Process.
- 2022: Palliative Care Knowledge and Attitudes towards End-of-Life Care among Undergraduate Nursing Students at Al-Quds University: Implications for Palestinian Education, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 9563, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159563.
- 2022: Palliative Care Knowledge and Attitudes towards End-of-Life Care among Undergraduate Nursing Students at Al-Quds University: Implications for Palestinian Education, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 9563, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159563.
- The Effect of Two Different Simulation Modalities in Palliative Care Teaching on Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Satisfaction, Self-confidence, and Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial, CIN: Computers, informatics, nursing, 2022, doi: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000965